How to Add Signature or Ads after Post Content In WordPress
How to Add Signature or Ads after Post Content In WordPress

WordPress provides various different Features to create a good website. However, there is one feature that WordPress doesn’t provide by default and that is the ability to add signatures or advertisements after the post content. 

This article of ours provides you with two different methods of how to add signature or advertisements after the post content on your WordPress website.

You can also watch the video tutorial:

METHOD 1- Display Ads after Post Content using Plugin

  • First, install and activate the Insert Post Ads plugin.
  • Visit the Post Adverts menu.
How to Add Signature or Ads after Post Content In WordPress
  • Go to Settings.
How to Add Signature or Ads after Post Content In WordPress
  • You will find options- posts, pages, and custom post types. You are required to select where you want to enable post ads from either one of these.
How to Add Signature or Ads after Post Content In WordPress
  • Click on Save to save your changes.
How to Add Signature or Ads after Post Content In WordPress
  • Go back to the Post Adverts menu.
  • Go to Add New to add your signature or ad.
How to Add Signature or Ads after Post Content In WordPress
  • Provide a title for this signature or after-post ad.
  • Paste your ad code, signature or any text you want to display.
How to Add Signature or Ads after Post Content In WordPress
  • Next, select the After content option.
  • Enter 1 in the field right next to it.
  • Make sure you click the Publish button. Your ad will now be available on the website.

METHOD 2- Manually Add Signature Ads after Post Content

  • Add the below given code to your functions.php file or a site specific plugin of your theme-
// Add signature or ad after post content
function wpb_after_post_content($content){
if (is_single()) { 
    $content .= 'Your signature or ad code goes here';
    return $content;
add_filter( "the_content", "wpb_after_post_content" );
  • Make sure you replace the value of $content with the code of your ad, image or signature you want to be displayed.
  • You may go through your website and see your signature or ad visible after your post content.

We really hope this article helped you in adding your signature or advertisement after post content. Feel free to check out our website or even contact us if you have any other WordPress related problems.

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