How To Add A Variable Product Using Woocommerce Plugin

Adding variable products to your WooCommerce store allows you to offer customers different options and variations of a single product. Whether it’s different colors, sizes, or other attributes, variable products provide flexibility and customization. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of adding a variable product using WooCommerce. Let’s get started!

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Having said that, let’s move on to the steps on How To Add A Variable Product Using Woocommerce Plugin.

Step 1: Accessing the Product Creation Page

  1. Hover over the “Products” menu in your WordPress admin dashboard and click on “Add New”.
  2. Enter the title of your product in the provided field and add a description if desired.
Product Page

Step 2: Setting the Price and Image

  1. Set the price for your product. If the product does not have variations, simply enter the price here.
  2. Choose a featured image for your product by clicking on the “Set product image” link.
Setting price and image

Step 3: Making the Product a Variable Product

  1. To make the product a variable product, select “Variable product” from the product type drop-down menu.
  2. If applicable, enter the SKU code for the product.
Variable product

Step 4: Adding Attributes

  1. Click on the “Attributes” tab to add attributes for creating variations.
  2. Click on the “Add” button to add custom attributes. For example, let’s add the attribute “Color”. Make sure to check the box to enable variations for this attribute.
  3. Enter the color options as attribute values, separated by a vertical pipe (|).
  4. Save the attribute by clicking on the “Save attribute” button. Repeat the process to add more attributes, such as “Size”.
Adding attributes

Step 5: Creating Variations

  1. Click on the “Variations” tab.
  2. From the “Add variations” drop-down menu, select “Create variations from all attributes”.
  3. WooCommerce will automatically generate all possible combinations of variations based on the attributes you added.
  4. Edit each variation by expanding it. Enter the price, weight, SKU code, and any additional information specific to each variation.
Creating variations

Step 6: Publishing the Product

  1. Once you have configured the variations, click on the “Publish” button to publish the product.
  2. Assign the product to a specific category by selecting it from the categories section.
Publishing product

Step 7: Viewing the Variable Product

  1. Finally, view the product on your WooCommerce website.
  2. Customers will see drop-down boxes that allow them to select the variation options.
  3. When a variation is selected, the price and other relevant information associated with that variation will be displayed.
Variable product added

Conclusion: Congratulations! You have successfully added a variable product to your WooCommerce website. By following the step-by-step instructions in this guide, you can offer customers different variations of a single product, enhancing their shopping experience and providing more options. Remember to review your product details and variations carefully before publishing to ensure accuracy.


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