How to grow your E-commerce store using Instagram

Instagram is a great marketing tool to be used by business people because it has active users 800M is easy to gain followers and achieve your target. For you to grow you e-commerce store via Instagram there are certain things you have to do. This blog will help us discuss what we need to do at length so as to achieve our goal.

Convert your personal account into a business account

With new features of business profile on Instagram you can easily change from your personal account to a business account and this features will retain your contacts on Facebook and Instagram as well. You will get information on number of impressions and clicks on the pots you will have made on a weekly term.

Converting to a business account is a very simple task. On your account settings click ‘switch to business profile ‘then log with your Facebook account to have your Instagram account connected to your Facebook business page.

After selecting business page on Facebook pull contact information just a piece from your Instagram page to Facebook page, this information you pull in can be an email address or customer service number for them to reach you easily.

Effective tools to use for selling on Instagram

Use hashtags to sell on Instagram. Instagram has an added feature on its software called Inselly hashtags. It marks products as buyable items and this makes it easy for consumers to locates the items and buy them easily without going through much trouble of going through a series of products so as to identify one particular item they need.

Use also clickable storefront. With this tool all your products are showcased and customers can easily locate what they want.

Use of visually appealing photos

To build a brand value post quality photos, appealing and engaging content. Get a nice camera and let the background be attractive and satisfying. Most people buy something because it attracted their attention, so make sure you take high quality images. Use watermarks images for your image domain and this will attract many consumers.

Even in real life if you don’t look presentable, polished and neat no one will stare and admire you, they will just brush you off, and same applies to images of items we post for sale. If they look appealing people will pause and get details of the item and vice versa.

Generally, Instagram is one of the leading platforms that business people have shifted attention n using. This is due to high number of active users on the platform.

Therefore, for your business to thrive on Instagram, you can convert your personal account into business account, use effective tools to sell on Instagram like; hashtags and clickable storefront. Another thing to do is make use of visually appealing photos.

Let your photos market your business and attract potential clients. If you follow the above steps then you will clearly see that Instagram can help you grow your e- commerce store.


Investing in ecommerce is one of the best things ever you can think of. Ecommerce primarily gives you the freedom and authority to operate your business without tussles from company. In short, you tend to own your store.

However, promoting your store might be a daunting task. With Instagram you can skyrocket the number of visitors and leads in your store. So, how do you use Instagram to grow your ecommerce store?

In this article, we’ve plain pointed some of the aspect such as usage of appealing images or photos, change your personal account into a business account among others.  


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